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Technical Translation

User manuals, project proposals (in response to calls for tenders), white papers, technical papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals, patents, books, presentations, conference, symposium, workshop and congress proceedings, specialty magazines, and websites from English to French.

Each project is closely managed to ensure that:

  • Project requirements and timelines are well defined
  • A client-specific terminology database is established and maintained
  • The client receives timely and accurate information about the status of the project
  • Communication with the client occurs whenever uncertainties arise
  • Strict quality control protocols are applied to all project elements
  • The client's translation and localization targets are met accurately and consistently
  • Final documents are delivered on time and within budget
  • Complete confidentiality is assured throughout and beyond the project

Specialty fields:

The Environment

Atmospheric Science and Technology

Air pollution, global warming, carbon budget analysis and carbon emission trading, pollutant sources inventories, meteorology and micrometeorology, greenhouse effect and gas dispersion modelling.

Photograph of an air quality monitoring station instrumentation


Reports related to endangered species for the COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada). Also within our expertise are ecosystem and biodiversity studies and analysis.

Environmental Chemistry

Soil contamination and water pollution, sanitary/civil/environmental engineering related to the planning, implementing, administering and research in water supply, sanitation and environmental health.


Environmental geology and soil science as well as seismology, hydrology and oceanography for hydro generation, mining and offshore drilling. Last project: Tailings Dam Safety Bulletin-ICOLD.


Documents related to the implementation of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).

Mining, Oil and Gas

Documents related to the design, planning and implementation of remediation measures to meet environmental regulations.


User manuals and project proposals related to complex machines, robots and devices for various industries and research sectors, including air quality monitoring, aerospace engineering projects, telecommunication networks and fundamental research applications.

Commercial Fishing

Documents related to the salmon fishery in British Columbia, e.g. Cohen Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River.


Documents related to forest fire control and the pine beetle infestation in British Columbia.


From WHMIS - Material Safety Data Sheets to product contents and chemical hazards in food safety/pesticide regulation, etc.

Office hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Our present date and time:
The fast turn-around service that Exalingo offers is unmatched, reliable, and precise. More/Less.

Manon Groux, Head, Translation Department, MEC

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